The Rise And Role Of AMerica In Prophecy

The  Rise And Role Of AMerica In Prophecy

        When compared with other nations of Europe and the rest of the world, our country is indeed a youthful one that has grown relatively peacefully and in a sparsely populated area. 

The first permanent English settlement was made in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. 

        The first community building erected in Jamestown was a church; which is the only building with walls still standing today. The Mayflower reached our shores in 1620 and the first act of the Puritans upon landing at Plymouth Rock was to kneel, praise God and dedicate the new colony.

        By 1701 the population of the American colonies totaled 262,000 and by 1749 it had reached 1,046,000, and by 1775 it had grown to 2,802,000. Today we have reached a total population of 333,807,743 and millions enter th U.S. every year seeking the freedom and opportunities that only this country can offer. In 2021 1,956,519 have enter illegally. History reveals our orgin and growth and prophecy our future.

        It was Abraham Lincoln that said: “If we could first tell where we are and whether we are trending, we could tell better what to do and how to do it.” The purpose of the book is to accomplish that very thing.


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