LGBT, Society, The Church And The BiBle

LGBT, Society, The Church And The BiBle

       Over the last half century or more we have been introduced to a way of thinking that is no longer based upon fact and reason. Young and old alike are being educated today to believe that there are no absolutes. They are being told that truth (right and wrong) is only in the mind of the beholder and there is no longer a standard of right or wrong that is absolute for all people. They are being instructed that our value system today is better than it was in the past because we have become a more tolerant society.

       The common concept is that what is wrong for one person may be right for another.

       Therefore, one cannot judge the behavior of another. The prevailing premise is there must be tolerance and acceptance of all people and all things, even if they are inappropriate, wrong, or condemned in the word of God. This very concept that has come from the secular world into the nominal Christian churches of today. The greatest problem facing the youth and adults alike is the loss of a biblically-based value system.


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