Marriage is a gift of God handed down from creation and is protected by the seventh commandment, yet it is under severe attack today. This sacred union was instituted in Eden by God Himself. He who made the first holy pair and who created for them a paradise home has put His seal upon the marriage institution. After the creation of Adam, the Lord said, "It Is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet (suitable) for him." (Genesis 2:18).
This book will deal with a problem that has become paramount within the world, as well as the Christian community. It is a subject that is not touched upon as frequently as it oughtto be; especially when we consider the consequences of going contrary to the expressed word and will of God concerning this topic.
Because of what is happening to the Divine institution of marriage we will not only be looking at the interactions within the marital relationship, but also aspects leading up to the marriage. We will be considering:
- What to do and not to do in courtship.
- What to expect in the marriage.
- What to do when marriage doesn't work out the way we think it should.
- What causes marital dissension and disintegration.
- What are the options of having entered into a lifelong relationship that may end up being a hellish home, rather than a heavenly haven.
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