For One Purpose: The Abuse and Misuse of God’s Holy Tithe

For One Purpose: The Abuse and Misuse of God’s Holy Tithe

              “All the tithe of the land... is the LORD’S: it is holy unto the LORD.” (Leviticus 27:30).

This book will show inspiration is clear that the tithe is:
1. Sacred, reserved by God for Himself.
2. Consecrated to a sacred purpose.
3. Consecrated to God to sustain those who minister.
4. Not to be diverted to other purposes.
5. To be used for one purpose – to sustain the ministers.
6. To be used to support those who speak the words of life to the people.
7. Devoted to the support of those who are bearing God’s message.
8. Not be diverted from this purpose.
9. Should go to sustain ministers.
10. Should not in any case be devoted to any other use.
11. It is to be devoted solely to support the ministry of the gospel.
12. God’s reserved portion.
13. Must be kept sacred.
14. To be used to sustain the gospel laborers in their work. 15. Diverted into various channels other than the one to which the Lord has said it should go.
16. The Lord’s, and those who meddle with it will be punished with the loss of their heavenly treasure unless they repent.


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