Pastor Joe Gresham

Pastor Joe Gresham

Joe W. Gresham an ordained minister, evangelist, author, radio and TV speaker. His ministry has taken him throughout North America, Israel, Egypt, Jordan and much of Europe. His books have been translated into several languages and are now available on four continents. “Let not your heart be troubled… In my Father’s house are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” (John 3:16)

Joe W. Gresham  is available for:

Camp Meetings | Evangelistic Meetings  | Workshops | Retreats | Seminars 

        Many today believe the Bible is very difficult to understand.  They often feel only pastors, priests, or theologians can understand the sacred Scriptures.  However, the Bible was not written for any particular group of people, but rather it was given for all people through all ages. God did not give mankind His word clothed in confusion and shrouded in uncertainty, but as a “light” to brighten our path (Psalm 119:105).

          The reason many do not have a clear understanding of the Bible is  they have been led to think it is not their privilege to understand what God has spoken through His word.  The idea is disseminated that common people should not study the Bible for themselves, but that the minister or teacher should decide all matters of doctrine for them.  Yet, God desires all classes of people to search the Scriptures for themselves.  He has given reasoning powers to mankind, and by bringing our mental faculties into connection with the Word of God, the spiritual powers are awakened, and common people, as well as teachers and clergymen, may understand the word and will of God.  He has given His word for all to investigate, and all may understand the word of God if they so desire.

         Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth”(John 17:17).  He also repeatedly referred to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of truth and declared: “when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).  Through the impartation of the Holy Spirit, we are to understand God’s Word.  The Lord opens the understanding of the true seeker of truth. The Holy Spirit enables the human mind to grasp the truths of God’s word that they may learn the way to life.


 The studies before you on this site have been designed to assist you in understanding what God’s word teaches on a multitude of different subjects, and the word of God alone will provide all of the answers to questions on nearly every Bible subject imaginable.  You will be guided through a systematic study of the great teachings of God’s Word in a simplified question and answer format.  A question is asked and this is followed by a Bible passage that reveals the answer to the question.  All of the questions are answered directly from Scripture and you will be both amazed and excited at how the great truths of God’s word are so easy to understand.